Work with the HHDC!
Historic District Commissioner: If you are interested in serving as a commissioner, please submit a resume and letter/email of interest to Commissioners serve 4-year terms and must meet the following requirements as outlined in the ordinance:
“The commission shall consist of seven (7) members, all of whom shall be residents and electors of the City of Hammond. They shall be appointed by the mayor, subject to approval by a majority vote of the City Council. All commission members shall have a demonstrated interest, competence, or knowledge in historic preservation. At least one member shall be a qualified architect. The City shall make a good faith effort to appoint professional members from the disciplines of architecture, history, architectural history, planning, archaeology, or other related fields, to the extent that such professionals are available in the City.” (8.1.5 UDC)
Commissioners are expected to attend two meetings a month (80% attendance), volunteer for at least one annual project, and turn in an annual Learning Credits as required by the Louisiana Certified Local Government. This position is voluntary and unpaid.
Internship: The HHDC is currently offering Unpaid Internship positions for the school semesters. These positions are for Undergraduate/ Graduate students who require internship credits for their program. Positions are 150 hours with writing and presentation components and require a 5-page research paper, project write-up, resume edits, and presentation of research to the HHDC.
If interested, please contact the HHD via email. Submission Requirements: Resume, Cover Letter, and Writing Sample
Projects include:
Survey of Historic Structures
Records Management
Community engagement
Public History Initiative
Report Analysis
Currently Partnered: Southeastern University of Louisiana- Department of History & Political Science