Cemetery Tombstone Cleaning Day
9:30 AM09:30

Cemetery Tombstone Cleaning Day

This one-day workshop will focus on the basics of cemetery stewardship. Participants will be given an introductory course to cemetery preservation that includes:

  • why cemeteries matter

  • brief presentation on the history of veteran headstones

  • cemetery preservation ethics

  • basic techniques to properly clean headstones

  • safety discussion

A demonstration of proper headstone cleaning will occur before participants are allowed to clean a pre-selected headstone.   

It is recommended that participants bring their own sunscreen, wear sturdy shoes, and proper attire as this event will be held outside.

SPACE IS LIMITED – It is encouraged that all participants register before May 17th as there is a participant cap for this event. 

**If the event is closed and you would like for the Hammond Historic District to hold another similar event please email Jennie Garcia, Historic Preservation Coordinator at garcia_ja@hammond.org.

Cemetery Tombstone Cleaning Day
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5:30 PM17:30

Historic Wood Windows & You

Michael Shoriak from Cypress Building Conservation, LLC. in New Orleans (also an adjunct professor for Tulane's Master of Preservation Studies program) specializes in historic material restoration and is going to present on the topic of wood windows.  They're more manageable than they look - more interesting too!  

Location: TBD

(Light snacks will be provided)


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